toppy.cog - A Cog#

If you just want a simple easy cog to load, you can use this!

  1. Add the token bot vars

from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot('!')

# we are making bot vars now!
bot.dbl_token = 'Your Discord Bot List token here'
bot.topgg_token = 'Your token here'
# you need at least one token set to work
# this library will choose the client based off what tokens you pass
  1. Load the extension’s extensions are async but some forks are not. This library will automatically adjust it based on your library.

from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot('!')

# for non async extensions

# for async extensions
# Option 1: Use the setup_hook
# Option 2: See below

import asyncio

async def main():
    async with bot:
        await bot.load_extension('toppy.cog')
        await bot.start(...)

Cog Reference#